Friday, 14 October 2011

No posts! There are no new posts on my blog!!

I have uncovered a different understanding of the word 'purpose' recently. In summary, I graduated went on to have a job, then another job, and after a couple of weeks time I got promoted and became full-time, this job was only temporary though and then I became a job hunting graduate... and since September my need to search and find and try has taken over. I'm trying.

When at University my purpose was to be a student, and that allows for a lot (knitting for one).

Sadly for now my purpose is to be on the prowl for work, filling out endless application forms and leaving my knitting and pewter and plaster and colour behind.

But... the sign of a new personally re-ignited purpose is here, symbolic like a light at the end of the tunnel (a glowing laptop, digitally reconnecting me to my past) I am writing a post.

The build up has been since my summer work ended, leaving me some time to find my way around Scotland to look at some of the things going on. In the last 2 weeks I invigilated the Shared Imagination exhibition in the VRC Centrespace situated within the DCA, Dundee, visited the Cupar Arts Festival I've been lucky enough to visit my sister in Glasgow and saw a few great pieces one of them, The Missing by Graham Fagen, a supportive tutor at DJCAD, (there's a YouTube video where he discusses the commission below).

And, I am in contact with DJCAD Exhibitions and have been working with them on A CUT A SCRATCH A SCORE, a really exciting project that involves artists, musicians, members of the public and will hopefully capture all of our attentions over varying sites within the city and through events within DJCAD too.

It's a strange time, having been away and now being back to DJCAD in a different capacity. It's proving to be interesting, informative and... I can't think of another 'i' word to follow this on poetically. But I feel (to twist around a phrase) away from home, at home.

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